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Editing Influencer ads: Misleading posts are not allowed!


Celebrities from social media make money by collaborating with various brands. However, unlike other advertising channels on social media, mostly covered advertisements are made. Even though it is an advertisement, it can be shared without specifying it as an advertisement and as if expressing its opinion about a product purchased by itself. This situation causes the consumer to be mistaken. Ministry of Trade made an official regulation on the subject.

By the Ministry of Commerce “ About Commercial Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices Made by Social Media Influencers Manual ”has been released. In this 13-article guide, detailed information was given about how to share and what is prohibited.

If the articles in the guide are not followed, both the shareer and the advertiser will be fined. In fact, the points stated in this guide were forbidden before, but with the guide, it was explained in detail what is prohibited.

Advertising mandatory

If there is any cooperation with a brand, in the said share indicate advertising is required.

Like Instagram Stories, Instagram post, Facebook post, Twitter post posts must include at least one of the following tags along with the advertiser brand name:

a) #Advertising

b) # Advertisement / Promotion

c) #Sponsored

ç) # Collaboration

d) # Partnership

e) “Collaboration with @ [Advertiser]”

f) “@ Provided by [Advertiser]. ”

g) “@ Received as a gift by [Advertiser]. ”

Like YouTube, Instagram IG TV

In video sharing platforms, at least one of the following tags must be used in the video, in the title or at the beginning of the description:

a) “This video contains [advertiser] advertisements. ”

b) “This video includes paid collaboration with [advertiser]. ”

c) “With the support of the [Advertiser]. ”

ç) “I received these products as a gift from [the advertiser]. ”

d) “Thanks [to the advertiser] for sending the products to me. ”


The tags that should be used in collaborations in publications are:

a) “This podcast contains advertisements about [advertiser]. ”

b) “This podcast consists of a paid collaboration with [advertiser]. ”

c) “With the support of the [Advertiser]. ”

ç) “I received the products (which I mentioned in my podcast) as a gift from [the advertiser]. ”

No room for misleading posts

There may be more misleading advertisements in social media ads compared to advertisements in other channels. It is aimed to prevent misleading advertisements by imposing various obligations regarding this issue.

Advertisers have not yet a product that he has not experienced has been banned from posting or approving the product to create an experienced perception. Likewise to yourself a gifted product was also prevented from sharing, creating the impression that it was purchased.

No opinion will be given about the researches or test results that are objective, measurable, not based on objective data, cannot be proved.

Any posts effect or filter

If is used, it is required to clearly indicate that there is a filter in the image. Thus, changes in the color and appearance of the product will be prevented. also with fake users comments and interactions are never banned.

Of any product or service about the effect on health opinion banned. There will be no sharing about the products offered by health organizations, including pharmacies.

Categories: Social Media News
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