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“O” Became the First Name to Reach 100 Million Followers on TikTok!


Charli D’Amelia became the first TikTok content developer to reach 100 million followers. In addition, it has won this leadership by a very large margin. There are only two content developers other than himself who have managed to exceed 50 million on TikTok so far. This success that D’Amelia achieved on TikTok, Will Smith or Selena Gomez

It is times and times bigger than famous names like .

It should also be said that D’Amelia reached 100 million members in a record time. It took 14 years for a channel on YouTube to reach 100 million. D’Amelio to broadcast on TikTok only started in May 2019 and the app has only been in use since August 2018, with its current branding. Of course, it can be said that the time that has passed since the beginning of YouTube has accelerated the acquisition of members, but it cannot be denied that a little more than 1 year is a huge difference compared to 14 years.

This success is a huge milestone for both the content developer and TikTok. But getting to that point has also coincided with an era in which Charli and her family are trying to move beyond TikTok. In the past months, a podcast has been launched, expansion steps have been taken on YouTube, a book deal has been announced, and many other developments are in question.

Content developers turn to other social networks and more traditional forms of media once they have had success on one platform. In this way, they can expand their reach, talk to their fans in more places, and if there is a change in a platform that prevents their success, they are secured a bit. YouTube content developers, for example, had to contend with algorithm changes that emphasized certain types of videos and then suddenly became almost indifferent to those video types.

Also, this often concerns their ability to make money. Although TikTok started paying content developers some time ago, many developers were not happy with this revenue. In addition, they generally do not have the ability to sell products directly from the application. This means that the two main ways for TikTok stars to make money are recording native ads or abandoning the app and turning to other opportunities.

Not just Charli, but her entire family was quick to build an ecosystem around her. For example Charli’s brother Dixie quickly entered Billboard’s New Artists list, recording its first single last June. The song’s music video has been played 92 million times on YouTube alone. The brothers started a podcast together, and they also started experimenting with traditional YouTube formats, gathering a follower group on this platform as well. In addition, Charli is working on a book that is planned to be published next month.

His parents Heidi and Marc also started gathering their own followers. Each of them has their own TikTok, Instagram and Twitter accounts, and “ D’Amelio Family “(D’Amelio Family) are often seen on their accounts. Perhaps the biggest indicator of their success as a family was that Triller signed an agreement with Charli to join the platform, and this deal brought the whole family to the platform.

Around this time last year, Charli had around 6 million followers on TikTok. Both he and TikTok have experienced a tremendous rise in the meantime. However, there were also politically motivated problems TikTok faced during this period. Although TikTok seems to overcome these problems, Charli and her family already have a solid set of options to rise again if the platform goes down.

Categories: Social Media News
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