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Twitter Becomes Paid, Paid “Super Tracking” Feature Is Coming. . .


Twitter organized the Virtual Analyst Day event and made important announcements at this event. The most important innovation to come to Twitter in the new period Super Tracking

With feature, now only paying subscribers will be able to access exclusive content.

Aforementioned Super Tracking feature Patreon and YouTube inspired by platforms such as Twitter, so users can Super Follower

It also paves the way for building the audience . If this feature comes into play, a new business model will be provided to the phenomena. Thus, it has a high audience Twitter phenomena will be able to charge their subscribers for the special tweets they throw. For Twitter’s Super Tracking feature $ 4.99 monthly fee

Let’s also say that it determined .

With this new service, followers 4. For a fee of 99 dollars of a person or account “ super follower “. Some of this fee will be transferred to Twitter, while a large part will be paid to the owner of the account.

Super Tracking

When the feature will be activated and When to Turkey its future is not clear for now. However, it is certain that this new feature will make a big impact when it becomes available.

Twitter announces Communities, like Facebook Groups but on Twitter

(they’ve started working on it in the web app since at least few weeks ago) https: // t. co / 5YBmEfgsUn pic. twitter. com / JlkrZNjLBo

– Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) February 25, 2021

Twitter, in addition to its Super Tracking feature, resembles Facebook groups Communities feature also announced. Communities, which will work with the logic of Groups and Pages on Facebook, aims to enable users to create their own communities for specific topics and join new communities appropriate to their interests.

Categories: Social Media News
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