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Facebook to Allow Short Videos to Monetize

Reuters reported that the social network said on Thursday that it will allow content creators on the Facebook platform to earn revenue from short videos through ads. The announcement was made in a blog entry where the company detailed its plans to help creators make more money, at a time when smaller competitors were competing to attract famous social media personalities. Snapchat owner Snap Inc pays $ 1 million a day to content creators who make viral short videos on its feature called Snapchat Spotlight. Twitter recently announced it will launch “Super Followers”, which allow users to charge followers for exclusive content. Similarly, YouTube recently removed the Short Videos feature from its Beta and we, as Technopat, started sharing our short videos.

Facebook said creators can now earn ad revenue from videos as short as a minute – previously it could not have been less than three minutes.

The company will also begin testing ads that look like stickers, which creators can use on Facebook Stories to earn money. More creators will now be eligible to earn ad revenue from live streaming videos on Facebook, which was previously an invite-only program.

The social media giant also stated that it will distribute a free $ 7 million Facebook Star, which users can tip to content creators on Facebook Live.

Categories: Social Media News
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